OpenRail ConceptStation

Track Properties

Like other objects, the track holds properties that can be modified. Some are non-geometric and others are geometric. Accessing the track properties can be done by clicking on the track itself, which will activate the right drawer area.




ID for Track.

Alignment Name

Assigned property by default at creation time. However, the user can change this property anytime to help identify objects. Changing this property will not change the geometry.


Determines the life cycle of an object. It can be either Proposed, Existing or Construction. The Proposed status will determine if the object is used in the cost and quantities calculation. Changing this property will not change the geometry.

Design Speed

This is the rail speed on which the rail has been created and it is used for internal calculations. Changing this property will not change the geometry.

Track Template

Displays the template manager to select a template.

Track Classification

Yard, Branchline, Secondary Mainline, mainline, High Speed


True or False.

Start Distance

This distance value is the animation distance along the track and synchronizes with track edits.

End Distance

This distance value is the animation distance along the track and synchronizes with track edits.

Flow Direction

With Stationing or Against Stationing.